State of Events in 2020 & 2021: What Sequence is Seeing & Hearing

With the extended uncertainty surrounding in-person events, we continue to be asked frequently about what we’re seeing and hearing in the events landscape. Here are a few big-picture observations on the events horizon from our perspective:

  • ~90% of Sequence’s clients for Q3 and Q4 have decided to take their events virtual (with the remaining 10% pushing to 2021 or canceling altogether). These events are a mix of conferences, galas, awards shows, brand activations and internal events. 
  • On a positive note as it relates to virtual: we’re seeing clients interested in pushing the envelope creatively and also have higher expectations for technical production, all to combat the challenge of virtual event fatigue.
  • On a less positive note: we’re seeing organizations underestimate the planning time for virtual, which can limit opportunities for audience engagement and technical solutions.
  • Virtual platforms are by and large overwhelmed, leading to slower response times and some even turning away work. One platform we work with said they did more business in June than all of last year.
  • We have a few clients still hopeful for the opportunity to host hybrid events in the fall (with a small group gathering in person and the event streamed out to a larger audience). Given where we are today we think this approach is likely overly-optimistic, but we understand the appeal.
  • The majority of our clients for 2021 Q1 are moving forward with virtual, with a few March events still deferring on a final decision.
  • Sequence has a few 2021 Q2 clients that are more seriously considering in-person events, but these are mostly reschedules from 2020. No new money being paid for hotel and venue deposits.
  • We continue to be impressed with most venues being amenable to rescheduling, or in some cases even canceling contracts. Certainly this depends on timing and circumstances, but we find most venues trying to do their best to accommodate a very difficult scenario.


If you'd like to learn about the Sequence team, our virtual event services or how we can help bring your event to life, please sign up for a Free 30 Minute Consult with one of our senior team members.