Author Archives: Sequence Events

Areas Of Your Event Budget That Should Never Be Sacrificed

2023 Is the Year to Lean Into Strategy In Events. Here’s How.

6 Smart Tips for Working With Keynote Speakers

Are You Launching a New Event? Here's Where to Start

Our Top Five Takeaways from NRF 2023 — and how they will impact events

The National Retail Federation’s Big Showdrew record crowds (over 35,000 attendees and 1,000 exhibitors) to the Javits Center in NYC last week. The energy was high as exhibitors, presenters, and attendees were excited to connect and discuss the latest trends and technologies that support the retail[…]

8 Simple Sustainability Hacks for Your Next Event

Photo from Pexels Let’s face it — sustainable business practices are becoming something of a non-negotiable. In fact, a 2021 survey from analytics company Exasol shows that a whopping 85% of consumers are willing to walk away from a purchase if the company doesn’t do enough to address climate[…]

Leading with Gratitude

As the holiday season approaches, we at Sequence feel a tremendous sense of gratitude. The past year has given us the opportunity to get back to doing what we love: designing and producing in-person events! Coming out of two years of a pandemic that rocked our industry was no small feat, but the[…]

How Discovery Leads to the Experience (Part III)

Thank you so much for taking a journey through the Sequence Discovery process over the last few weeks. First, we talked about what Discovery is and why we do it, and then we discussed how we actually go about the Discovery process.

The Discovery Process (Part II)

We’re back with another installment of our SEQ Discovery series! 👏 You’re welcome 😉 Last time, we talked about what Discovery is and why we do it. Definitely go back and take a gander if you haven’t already. Today, we’re going to talk more about how we actually go about the Discovery process. The[…]

What is Event Discovery, and Why Do We Do It?

As many of you already know, Sequence is very proudly a strategy-first agency. To us, that means that everything we do is seen through the lens of “why?” - most simply put, why this event and why now. It’s great to have a beautiful event that goes off without a hitch, but it’s central to our[…]