What is Event Discovery, and Why Do We Do It?

As many of you already know, Sequence is very proudly a strategy-first agency. To us, that means that everything we do is seen through the lens of “why?” - most simply put, why this event and why now. It’s great to have a beautiful event that goes off without a hitch, but it’s central to our mission as a company to create events which balance strategy with creative ideas and flawless execution for the most impactful experiences. 


To get to the core of “why?”, we have to ask A LOT of questions. Though we are the experts at what we do (creating experiences designed with purpose!), our clients are the experts on themselves, their brands and their audiences. They know what success looks like to their teams, their organizations, and their constituents. Our job is to ask all the right questions and to really listen to those answers. We distill down our key takeaways, and we use them as a launching pad for ideas which embody what we learn directly from the source.


What is Discovery?


This process of learning is what we call “Discovery” aka, The Discovery Phase. We didn’t invent this concept or term, but we have created an owned process of what “Discovery” is at Sequence. The process is never quite the same, just like no two clients or events are the same. It allows us to really show up for our clients with a shared understanding and that the experience reflects their goals, priorities and other measures for success.  


Before we tell you more, let’s back up a bit… What does "Discovery" even mean? (Pro Tip: Definitions are one of our favorite places to start in our SEQ Discovery process!)

definition 1-1

Through Discovery, we unearth the information we need to create successful experiences for our clients. We spill all the tea so that we can be fully on our client’s team and (in a non-creepy way) in their heads. 


So, why do we do it?


Often our clients know they want to have an event, but conveying why can be more challenging. 

Or perhaps they know very clearly why, but what would make the event successful feels harder to define. 

Or perhaps they know why and what would make it successful, but they don’t know how to align the two. 


We come into the conversation at any of these points, and help guide our clients to these answers so we can build upon them creatively. In many ways we’re simply event therapists! We don’t decide these things for our clients, we steer them to these findings and keep us all focused around them. 


We strive to create a shared vision with our clients, which as an agency is key to our role. As our friend Bréne Brown has said, We're not here to be right. We're here to get it right.” There are thousands of ways to creatively solve the challenges our clients bring to us, there is no one right way. Yet, we strive to get as close as we can every time by focusing on and building upon what we learn from our clients about themselves and their audiences. From there we can develop concepts, ideas and experiences using our vast and multi-faceted expertise and trusted processes.


And how do we do THAT? 


Well, you’ll have to stay tuned for Part 2 of our 3-part Discovery series coming in the weeks ahead. And if you can’t possibly wait to learn more, just give us a call and we can get the ball rolling on Discovery for your upcoming experience today!