Recent studies have highlighted an interesting shift: Today's consumers, particularly younger generations, are increasingly drawn to experiences above all else.
A Goldman Sachs study, for example, revealed more than 70% of Gen Zers prefer spending money on experiences rather than products. Meanwhile, research from the Incentive Research Foundation found that 96% of employees are motivated by travel incentives, with some noting they’re even more appealing than cash bonuses.
These insights, coupled with findings from Microsoft that employees feel lonelier at work than they did pre-pandemic, make a compelling case: Strategically designed gatherings are a powerful lever for engagement in today’s world—especially within the workforce.
Enter: employee engagement events.
At SEQ, we believe that employee engagement events are not just about fun, but are also critical strategic initiatives. Here are some reasons why.
Adapting to Changing Workplace Dynamics
Let’s face it: Workplace culture has evolved considerably over the last five years. With many organizations adopting hybrid or remote models, the informal, spontaneous interactions that once sparked ideas and connections have dwindled. This makes well-strategized events like big sales kickoffs, team-building retreats, networking happy hours, and even smaller internal meetings critical for maintaining the connective tissue of company culture.
Take, for example, a recent employee engagement event SEQ produced for Faire, a wholesale marketplace for retailers and brands. Held at a mountain resort in Toronto, the event brought together more than 800 employees from Faire’s offices around the globe for four days of team activities, DIY crafts, team dinners, and other interactive learning opportunities.
Beyond celebrating employees’ achievements, the event allowed guests to unplug and engage in fun ways that promoted bonding, brainstorming, and lasting relationships. Ultimately, the strategy centered around building a strong sense of identity and community within the team, and a great connection to the brand’s mission and customers. Team members were encouraged to share their favorite memories from the FaireFest employee engagement retreat.
Strategic Benefits of Employee Engagement Events
These gatherings, regardless of their size, can be strategic platforms for fostering a vibrant company culture for a few different reasons.
- Enhanced Job Satisfaction: In our experience, regularly recognizing achievements and hosting celebratory events boosts morale and productivity in major ways. In addition to team bonding opportunities, these events can be a great place to publicly celebrate milestones and individual contributions, leading to sustained motivation throughout the year.
- Cross-Departmental Collaboration: Bringing different parts of the organization together can spark innovation and improve problem-solving. At SEQ-produced events, we strategically create opportunities for employees who don’t usually work together to meet and exchange ideas, which can lead to unexpected and fruitful collaborations—and friendships!
- Organizational Resilience: Engagement events are a strategic tool for creating a strong community feeling at work. They allow employees at all levels to engage more closely with senior management, and get everyone excited about the company’s broader goals and messages.
In short, employee engagement events—when planned strategically—ensure that the workplace is not just a place to work, but a space where employees feel an integral part of a thriving community, eager to contribute to and grow with the company over the long haul.
Looking to plan an employee engagement event that hits all the right notes? SEQ has extensive experience producing gatherings of all sizes. Let’s connect!