As event pros, we can certainly imagine the massive undertaking that designing and producing an event so central to a nation’s history and which illustrates democracy itself must be. While this week’s inauguration was unique for a number of reasons, it stayed true to its legacy with visual and[…]
Sequence Says
Author Archives: TeamSEQ
2020 required event pros to reimagine how experiences are created, both in concept and execution. Many embraced the world of virtual events as an alternative to live, and some held off with the hope that the coming year would bring back ‘business as usual’ sooner than later.
As the year finally draws to a close, the only issue we'd take with a three-month Caribbean vacation is that it wouldn’t be nearly long enough. As it turns out, a business whose purpose is bringing people together set against a global pandemic that prevents people from being brought together makes[…]
Back in April, Forbes Magazine highlighted the initial scramble many nonprofits were facing due to COVID canceling live events. Nonprofit organizations had two options: shift their events to virtual or put them on hold. While many forged ahead into the new virtual world, a vital question loomed:[…]
With Thanksgiving just a day away, many are wondering if it will be possible to achieve the same levels of holiday cheer from a safe distance? We say yes, or at least that a virtual Holiday Party is better than no Holiday Party at all.
Sequence is having a busy week. Nothing new per se, but what we love about the bee-hive buzz of non-stop movement this week is that it feels so quintessential as to who we are as a team. It’s about action, actualization, variety, and a mix of client focus as well and Sequence-focused initiatives.
As we touched on in our blog a few weeks ago, uncertainty within events right now is still at an all-time high, often leading to shorter planning windows and truncated timelines. For our clients looking to host events later into 2021, the million dollar question still seems to be: live, virtual or[…]
With political, economic and pandemic uncertainty at an all-time high, Sequence is being engaged to execute virtual events within shorter time frames than ever. The days of 10-month lead times are long gone, having been replaced by 10-week planning windows — and that’s if we’re lucky! So while we[…]
As we discussed in our posts about the pros & cons of pre-recording and live streaming, we want to delve more into the various options for pre-recording video content for a virtual or hybrid event as well. Also, a reminder that pre-recording and live streaming don’t have to be mutually exclusive![…]
The emerging possibility in various markets to create safe hybrid events — events which combine both in-person and virtual elements — has allowed us to strategize with our clients as we redefine what “hybrid” means today and potentially for tomorrow. The most recent example is one of our favorite[…]